Your browser does not seem to support iframes. Click here to read this PDF. Convert your PDF to digital flipbook ↗ Contents December 2020 New Definitive Stamp Issue: South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands – Illustrations 81Committee; Deadline for next Polar Post; Dates for your Diary; Note on Copyright 82Contents; BAS, UKAHT and BAT News 83Chairman’s Message; Membership News; Editorial 84Obituary – Kenneth V. Blaiklock OBE 85The Norwegian North Polar Expedition with the Maud, 1918-1925: Part 2 – The Voyage of the Fram 1912-14 86-91The Economy of the French Southern Islands – Stamps and Postal History 92-95A Polar slide Show; The Arctic Gwitchi’n; Arctic Warfare Exercises; Canadian Arctic “Operation Nanook” 96-97From the “Chef” at Dumont D’Urville Station, FSAT/TAAF December 1987 to February 1989 98New Issue TAAF/FSAT: Le Courier des TAAF – La Philatélie des TAAF (The Post and Philately of TAAF/FSAT) 99New Issue: The Falkland Islands – The Paintings of Mike Peake Part 1 – Birds 99Delays in Updating the Pobjoy Stamps Website 99New Issue: Tristan da Cunha – Modern Mailships Definitive 2020 Delayed and Amended 99New Issue: South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands: Duty and Sacrifice Shackleton’s – Unsung Heroes 100New Issue: South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands Definitive Stamp Issue 101-102New Issue: Ross Dependency – Seasons of Scott Base 102-103The End of the MOSAIC Expedition – MV Polarstern returns to Bremerhaven 103New Issue: Australian Antarctic Territory – RSV Nuyina 104New Issues: Greenland – 10th August and 14th September 2020 104

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