Your browser does not seem to support iframes. Click here to read this PDF. Convert your PDF to digital flipbook ↗ Contents September 2024 Chairman’s Message Figures 1 to 3 53Committee; Deadline for next Polar Post; Dates for your Diary; Note on Copyright 54Contents; Membership News; Chairman’s Message 55EuroPhilEx Birmingham 2025 – 7th to 11th May 2025 56Polar Postal History Society of GB Membership Survey 2024 57Polar Postal History Society of GB Facebook Group 58Minutes of the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the PPHSGB 58-59Polar Postal History Society Zoom Meetings 59Soviet Whaling – A Response to Steve Pendleton’s Article in Polar Post, June 2024 60-63A Trans-Antarctic Expedition Postcard signed by Capt. G.S. Tuck R.N. 63A Brief History of the “Little Red Ship” MS LINDBLAD EXPLORER From Launching to Sinking 64-67Cover Returns 2024 68Bjørnøya – Norway’s Isolated Island on Postage Stamps 69-73New Issues Tristan da Cunha: Garden Flowers and 200th Anniversary of the RNLI Parts 1 & 2 74New Issue The Falkland Islands: In Memory of Fireman Gerard Johnson and Fireman Robert Finlayson 74New Issues Greenland 24th and 26th May 2024 74New Issue Greenland: Centenary of the 5th Thule Expedition 75New Issue (FSAT/TAAF): Triptych Showing the Extreme Capacities of the Animals of TAAF 75New Issue Australian Antarctic Territory (AAT): Seals 76 This Supplement contains the following information and articles:Contents; Editorial; EurophilEx Birmingham 2025 7-11 May 2025 76ANew Issue 1st July 2024: Tristan da Cunha – 200th Anniversary of the RNLI Parts 1 & 2 76B-76CThe 2024/25 Programme for the RRS Sir David Attenborough 76DGreenland New Issues 30th August to 8th November 2024 76E-76GNew Issue TAAF:150th Anniversary of the success of the French mission to Île Saint-Paul forthe observation of the transit of Venus 1874 76H-76IIce Cap News (ICN), July 2024 – 50 years of “B. U .T.” created by Hal Vogel 76JNew Issue 4th September 2024: Ross Dependency – Mount Erebus Extremophiles 76K

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